Our new GFTA-2/KLPA-2 ASSIST software (brand new design too!) integrates scoring and reporting for both the GFTA-2 and KLPA-2.
The KLPA-2 (Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis) works with the Goldman-Fristoe 2 to give you a more comprehensive diagnosis of both articulation and use of phonological processes. Save when you purchase the two kits together.
The ASSIST software program is available to help score, calculate, and compare normative data for both Goldman-Fristoe 2 and KLPA-2 tests. At the touch of a button you can print out separate score summaries for the Goldman-Fristoe 2 and KLPA-2. Or print out a combined report for detailed diagnostic information. Reports are easy to customize by test section and diagnostic topic; a Recommendations section even has summary text. You also can set a local criterion to obtain developmental norms comparisons from the biggest and best standardization sample to date!